23 January 2011

lately i come across this blog and feel as if i have so much to say and no real desire to say it. having a real struggle lately focusing on the moment instead of what's to come... which is frustrating because who knows what is to come. there are so many good things happening right now - the idea of giving it up on the unknown is actually scary. i guess i'll have to follow my usual philosophy of 'if God opens it up - he must want me to go there...' i'm not sure it's biblical... but so far it has brought good things.... i dunno... i guess time will tell...

a real update will come again soon.

1 comment:

jennyc said...

I hear you, my friend!

I feel like the looking ahead rather than the right-now is a constant struggle sometimes... whether it's looking forward to things or wondering about stuff or trying to plan the next step in your uber-adventurous life... I know what you mean.

I think your philosophy is quite biblical in fact... goes well with the Sovereignty of God aspect.. like any good Reformed girls, that kind of thing is always there to fall back on :)

sending love from SJ!