10 January 2009

survivor africa : the winter edition

the teams were chosen. (natasha/danielle/ashley = team 6) the purpose made clear - hit up each of the stations and don't get frost bite... try to win at each station - but no one's really counting - so decide for yourself what that means... natasha, danielle and i discovered pretty quickly that they should have taught us how to actually follow a GPS rather than just how to turn the things on.

step 1: team 6 needs to lead lynn to the mine fields -- we fail miserably - 45 min later - we find the small field in the opposite direction --
result: lynn gives us top marks for eventually getting there.

step 2: lynn gives us her GPS system (we now have 2) and we make our way to the "helium stick" station... it was much easier to get to - and although we weren't the first group there - we DID win the challenge --- lower a stick to the ground with each member of the team having 2 fingers with direct contact on the stick --- harder than it sounds.

step 3: task -- build a fire that is sustainable enough to boil a pot of water so you can make hot chocolate. since the fire was in the snow we knew we had to build a base - we then made a pretty little teepee and lit the birch bark --- jeff let us do what we wanted until our fire went out -- then he taught us how to make a fire in the snow (get rid of the teepee... have a base / then birch bark / then small sticks / then add the big stuff later) our fire was made - we boiled our water - and drank our hot chocolate -- ash and all.

step 4: we had to make a shelter - as this was our last station and we were competing against ourselves - we won... mostly cuz we could steal everyone else's materials - and the points don't matter anyways :P but it was fun... we even managed to squish the 3 of us into the shelter for a picture - snowshoes and all...

step 5: hot dogs and campfire stew as a big group... lots of fun - got to know people we're going with --- i have the names down pat at least... well - as much as you can have names down when everyone is in winter gear :)

apparently we really like polar temperatures... preparing for the kenyan heat by playing in the north bay winters... all in good fun :)

some of the people going to kenya with me...

1 comment:

jennyc said...

i dont think i commented on this one yet.. so i will.
it just makes me laugh to see the pic of you guys, all bundled up, in the the snow and the evergreens.. and going to Africa!! such Canadians. haha. love it.
good commentary on the day. i enjoyed.