14 July 2008

so. life is continuing. adventures are flying by - some good - some bad - some rather indifferent.
checked some more items of the list of life - the most notable being a groomsman in my friends' wedding... it was a fantastic weekend of prep and celebrating and catching up with old friends.

i went camping with the gang this past weekend - got a little bit burnt... no more being casper for me!

i dyed my hair hot pink... well - streaked it at least - however all this going in the water has faded it out quite a bit, and now - not even a week later i'm back to being a blonde with some pale pink woven through it... the next step is to alternate blue and pink... we'll see when i find time again.

i went over to western to empty out my locker the other day... it was weird - seemed very final. i've had that locker since the beginning of 2nd year and to remove all of my random belongings from the building was weird.

i haven't figured out what i'm doing with nipissing yet - i have a place to live in north bay (thank goodness!!) but beyond that - no clue. still haven't registered for classes etc... don't even really know if/when i'm supposed to - hopefully they email me back soon about that.

the car and i are having a marvelous time together - we have been up to north bay, to stratford, and camping together in the last couple weeks - beyond that - our journey consists mostly of going to and from work... back and forth - consistently...

work - what to say about that... i'm teaching someone that i put behind me 5 years ago in waterdown - was glad to leave them... i guess i'm ok with the fact she's back in my life - it's also just strange however.
people are insane. i don't understand why everything is such a big deal... so your kid didn't pass to the next level --- most kids don't... it isn't as much a scarring situation as they make it out to be... take a chill pill and teach your children to accept failure as a normal part of life... they can't learn that they will succeed in absolutely everything all the time... and now is when they should be learning how to deal with these "disappointments"

anyways - this adventure girl has to clean her car/apartment... do some laundry... bake a lasagna all within the next 2.5 hours... aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

if that happens --- road trip up to sauble tomoro!! woot woot

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