27 June 2012

i haven't had students in my classroom since june 8th.  i have been in school pretty much every day since then for longer than i normally spent at school (as well as after school commitments).... it has been pretty crazy.

week 1 without kids involved marking and report card comments
week 2 without kids involved moving, organizing, cataloguing, alphabetizing all the school's music
week 3 without kids has involved meetings, lesson planning, course planning, organizing various rooms in the school

that's a very simplistic list, but i've actually been quite busy... mixed in with the boring work we've gone out for lunch as a staff, mike and i went shopping for good bye presents, we've played hour long 3 on 3 basketball games (that took DAYS to recover from), hilary jason and i went shopping for grad food, we've had hour + long lunches as a staff which never happens during the year, and today i learned to change my oil... basically fun times all around tho now i smell a lot like oil.

tomorrow i need to pack up my stuff here and friday i'm heading home, saturday is jason and maddy's wedding and that night i'm moving back to london where i begin my semi-homeless living for the next 2 months... we'll see how this summer goes...


Unknown said...

hurray, an update! as usual, we haven't talked for ages. but i was gallivanting around BC for a month, and you were very busy. so it's ok. :)
have fun in London! and home first!

Unknown said...

What!!! How have I never seen this blog before! Awesome!!

I totally figured out it was you by the time I read half of this post.