28 November 2010

i spent a chunk of time re-designing this old blog yesterday - some things i really like - some i wish i could still fix (anyone know how to make that picture wider so it goes across the page - or at least so i could centre it?)
i then read through my entire blog from finish to start and enjoyed reading how life resolves itself. months before i even knew about the possibility of kenya i wrote about wanting to go to africa - and i did... crossed it off the old bucket list... there were good days and bad days and highs and lows and i wrote through it all. there were times where i wrote daily and some where it would be months between posting. and that's ok - life goes on. we live through the highs and lows - some we remember - some get pushed away into the abyss of space and memory we don't frequently access. dreams are had and come true - or they dont - but that's ok because new dreams pop up and i'm only 24 - i'd imagine the dreams still floating around have time to come true.
the tag line i've had on msn/facebook forever has been: so let the adventures begin... i don't know when or how to change this because in my experience - adventure is constant and random and unpredictable. it happens in the planned and obvious ways of jumping on a plane and exploring a new city or country.... but adventure also pops up in the mundane and the ordinary. it's in the random people you meet and the relationships you have, and just by walking down the street.
over the past week i've met some super cool people. i've met the playright who just won the governer generals award, the flute player from the titanic soundtrack, the male artist of the year in newfoundland, clowns, artists, actors... i got to hear about and see pictures of their adventures around labrador as well as be part of that adventure for them. we talked about serious subjects and not so serious subjects... we created with eachother and enjoyed the creations of each other. the festival this was through is such a cool opportunity for the students of labrador - but also a cool experience for the adults of labrador and the artists involved. it is one of the things that would make leaving here difficult should i decide to leave.
speaking of leaving- the pull for a new adventure is coming. right now i'm trying to decide between new brunswick and nova scotia... i've never been to either - but will eventually apply for a teaching certificate in one of them. not necessarily to move this year - but at least to keep my options open. new brunswick has had a strange pull on me - but lately nova scotia is also looking promising... we shall see i guess...
anyways - this is my rambling for the morning... hope your weekends have been going well.

1 comment:

jennyc said...

love the new look.
about the pictures... I also have been wondering the same thing. If you right click on them when you are still writing the post, you get the bar beneath with the size options, one of them is 'original size', might work (for mine it makes them WAY too big). but i think you already found that bar anyway cause the pics are bigger.

i know what you mean about looking back on the blog. its pretty neat actually. i started mine in London a few weeks before I left for Victoria in 4th year... man how things change.

i love your artsy adventuresome life. keep it up, friend.
