14 May 2010

yesterday was may 13th, 2010.
most would consider this date mid spring... here in labrador we consider it snow day #1 for the year. i guess it's really just here that had their first..
apparently we skipped winter this year...
sure there's snow on the ground right now --- but i kind of prefer it that way... everything is much prettier.
so while at home in ontario the snow would be long gone by now and winter coats and hats a thing in the past... i'm not really too upset about this yet... maybe in a couple weeks i will be...
in other news - there's only 6 weeks left of teaching
and in 7 or 8 i'll be leaving for Europe... seems a little unreal... i should prolly do some planning.
lates gates...

1 comment:

jennyc said...

i wanted to comment on your last post cause i thought it was great.. but now i'll just comment on this one.
Oh this crazy province we live in.. i cant imagine it being 30 degrees plus humidity out anymore.. and in May? never. also you are significantly farther north than me so its all even more so for you. but its gorgeous in labrador. i saw your pics. so rugged. :)
have a good evening my friend. arab!