3 April 2010

Day 2 of the easter adventure and i'm on hour 8.5 of sitting on the bond and we have another 5-7 hours left...
we left goose bay yesterday at 7:20am meeting up with matt and megan (aka silver fox) at tim's and then the road... we spent the next 8 hours on an extremely muddy dirt road with the occasional patch of hard dirt that was relatively pleasant to drive on. We saw some crazy drifting snow and whatever else and passed the time napping (me and megan / not jeff and matt who were driving), coming up with crazy millionaire ideas over walkie-talkies (again - me and megan ---- the boys lost their privileges quickly) and talking and singing along to some music. at 4ish we hit red bay and PAVEMENT - hurrah!!!! then we ate some bologna sandwiches before continuing down to forteau and l'anse au claire where we were staying last night.
we hung out with jeff's dad's sisterinlaws sister (or something like that) and were up again this morning at 5am to be in line for the bond at 5:30am
now we've been sitting on here for ever --- we've napped, read, played some cards, wandered around and done a whole lot of nothing...
the current excitement is the cafeteria opening at 5...
the plan is to get into gander tonight really late...
update again eventually

1 comment:

jennyc said...

funny-- i didnt realize that the bond was the boat.
wish i was adventuring with you!
have fun!