26 October 2008

feeling crazy restless today.
probably has to do with all the work i did NOT do this weekend and the constant rain that prevented any trips outdoors. perhaps also that the one paper i wouldn't mind writing isn't due until next week so i should probably be focasing on things that are due tomorrow and following days.

friday afternoon brought a fantastic treck through the trails behind the university with grant and joanna. 3 hours later we were exhausted, but know a LOT more about each other - and due to grant being an environmental geographer - a LOT more about the trees and dirt and rocks and whatever that we found in the trails. i can now ID all the coniferous trees in that forest. (with the help of my dichotomist key of course :P). it's fun spending time with people who are willing to share what they know - particularily when they know interesting stuff :P.
that night was a section party - it was good times - i'm still very skeptical that most of these people will turn into the "family" that everyone claims we will be - but they will make this year doable at the very least.

saturday - as most of my saturdays go - this one involved sleeping until noon - staring (not doing) at my homework - and some movies. jen and i walked to the bank/mall at one point because there was a brief moment of sun - however it rained the whole walk back... not quite as pleasent.

today - more homework - not really getting anywhere... good meeting with the curriculum development group.

so ants in my pants - can't even write well tonight...

problematic for the assignments i should be doing...

i better get back at that...

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