21 January 2008

friday night: got all dolled up and went out to cowboys. i haven't been there since spring probably because the last time we went - wasn't the most fun time i've ever had there. anyways- friday night was fun. there was nothing out of the ordinary - we danced and drank and laughed and got hit on by randoms and ate wendys and had an all around good time.
saturday: i woke up late because i had gotten no sleep the night before and went to work - showed up there to find out the class i was supposed to teach had been cancelled - not impressed. i then went home and did some homework before embarking on a new adventure. my dad had bought a table at some bolivian fundraiser dinner and had invited me and 5 of my friends to attend with him (and my mom). so - amber, ang, hannah, neil, and i left the church and drove to the old elementary school - stopping only to pick up rachel at redeemer. we then went to the dinner- it was interesting... the food wasn't what i expected - but it was also better then i expected. we spent the evening laughing and singing and neil and ang drew pictures while hannah and i discussed the obliteration of the rhyme scheme in songs ---- you can't change the lyrics of songs to be more gender neutral unless you fix the overall rhyme structure as well... come on people!! then neil and hannah headed back home to the l-dot, and amber, ang, and i drove rachel back to redeemer - while there we stopped in to say hi to jason... which seemed to be awkward for everyone else - so we left after approx. 5 min. then we spent the night playing hand and foot with my mother and the three of us. finally ended up in bed (quite late) and in true girly slumber party fashion - spent the evening discussing stupid boys (Billy! lol) and talking about wedding plans. morning came too soon and we went to church and then spent the afternoon eating and playing hand and foot before heading back to the l-dot ourselves.
overall gooood weekend.
my only adventure today (monday) was 'diving' at work.... basically = swimming to the bottom of the 5m deep tank and picking up hairballs with your bare hands... one of my favourite aspects of working at the pool... and maybe watching bollywood in world music tonight... good times.

1 comment:

jennyc said...

haha. The hairballs thing made me laugh.
Sounds like life is good.