9 July 2012

saturday was the day i was going to get all my work done... i had to move from week 1's lodging and head to week 2's place but there is no internet there so i went to western for the day to do said work.
apparently the music library is closed on weekends- which i guess makes sense - as far as i can tell they have 8-12 grad students this summer and not a whole lot else to cater to. so i hunkered down in the 3rd floor lounge and started to work. i read through my article about economics and disney (again) and understood about as much as the first time - something about numbers and budgets just makes my head spin... i started to create my presentation for it which was going to start with a clip from mr. holland's opus because the author talks about that movie for the first 2 pages of the article - so i found the clip and proceeded to spend the rest of the afternoon watching the rest of the movie...
so with very little work done - i grabbed some dinner and picked up hannah for my 3rd stratford show of the weekend. she had gotten free henry v tickets and invited me along - while not a huge fan of shakespeare's history plays i am a huge fan of free stratford plays - so i went. sandra met us there having also scored a ticket.
so my non-review review...
henry v was awesome. there were points when i was confused if the people talking were french or english... but eventually you could figure that out. they made strong artistic decisions that while i didn't always agree with them - they were bold and made us talk about it - which is something i can totally appreciate. i picked up a bunch of ideas for artistic decisions for our plays too - i will probably forget most of them as they wont necessarily work for whatever play i choose but their use of flags and props were really cool --- the horses were just tall saw horses with a saddle... very effective.
sunday was spent taking the bus to church - hitting up sunfest for a while (yum samosas) - taking the bus back home - working on my reflection (that i did not finish :S) - going to bible study - going home and to bed... good day over all
now i'm at school 10 min away from jazz class - fortunately i'm done all my work for this class --- we'll see how long i hang out on campus tonight to finish the philosophy stuff...


Unknown said...

We should totally do Shakespeare in space.

Smash said...

hahaha - will you be my artistic director?