6 November 2011

it's been a while.
ghana was fantastic - it was such a cool experience to just learn west african drumming and dancing in west africa. the group i went with was really cool - about 20 of us - 3 canadians the rest from mostly north eastern states and then one from florida, tennessee, and louisiana. i don't even really know how to get into the experience still and be able to sum it up in a few words because i would need a really long post, but i did will 100$ in a photo contest - i'll post that picture here soon.
i started at my new school in ottawa in september - went to a staff retreat 3 days after returning from ghana and it's been a whirlwind ever since.
i head to school most mornings by 8 - do devotions with my gr 12 homeroom and then prep until 1130 when i start band or choir, then i teach drama, then music, then prep some more. i return home around 4 or 5 and then start work on my masters... it's busy - hard to meet people - but i'm slowly finding my way around this city...
currently i have a paper due in 5.5 hours and i should have finished it on wednesday but it just doesn't seem to be writing itself... i should get back at that now...