29 January 2008

jeff said that talking to me stresses him out - i'm feeling like everything is sitting heavily on my shoulders... not really sure why...

updates on shawna (if you want them...) can be found here:


27 January 2008

so my cousin Darryl's girlfriend Shawna was in a car accident friday afternoon. and just like that youthfullness no longer equates itself with immortality. she's currently in critical condition and needs all the prayers she can get.

23 January 2008

if i make it through this semester without some form of major breakdown involving sitting in a corner rocking back and forth and/or shaving my head... i'll be quite amazed...
that's all i have to say.

22 January 2008

teacher's college is offically totally applied to. i sent in the last piece of my application (due friday) in today. unfortunately i had no creative juices left at all - so what i wrote was crap. fortunately i have awesome friends and they fixed it up for me... ben took what i wrote and made it better, and then julie took what he wrote and made it better yet.
i've realized some things recently...
- i want to go to africa...
- i hate being cold
- i have no idea what i'm doing next year and keep flipping from being cool with that to having anxiety attacks
- i have an awesome family
- i have awesome friends
- i like wearing shorts in the winter
- i want to learn ballet
- if i don't get into teachers college i'm starting to re-think the orphanage in honduras idea... perhaps now is the time?
- i actually am an introvert... but i really like hanging out with people
-something needs to change. i don't know what yet - all i know that something has to change - perhaps that is the adventure?? figuring out and dealing with whatever that may be...

oh well - perhaps this is enough rambling for one night...

21 January 2008

friday night: got all dolled up and went out to cowboys. i haven't been there since spring probably because the last time we went - wasn't the most fun time i've ever had there. anyways- friday night was fun. there was nothing out of the ordinary - we danced and drank and laughed and got hit on by randoms and ate wendys and had an all around good time.
saturday: i woke up late because i had gotten no sleep the night before and went to work - showed up there to find out the class i was supposed to teach had been cancelled - not impressed. i then went home and did some homework before embarking on a new adventure. my dad had bought a table at some bolivian fundraiser dinner and had invited me and 5 of my friends to attend with him (and my mom). so - amber, ang, hannah, neil, and i left the church and drove to the old elementary school - stopping only to pick up rachel at redeemer. we then went to the dinner- it was interesting... the food wasn't what i expected - but it was also better then i expected. we spent the evening laughing and singing and neil and ang drew pictures while hannah and i discussed the obliteration of the rhyme scheme in songs ---- you can't change the lyrics of songs to be more gender neutral unless you fix the overall rhyme structure as well... come on people!! then neil and hannah headed back home to the l-dot, and amber, ang, and i drove rachel back to redeemer - while there we stopped in to say hi to jason... which seemed to be awkward for everyone else - so we left after approx. 5 min. then we spent the night playing hand and foot with my mother and the three of us. finally ended up in bed (quite late) and in true girly slumber party fashion - spent the evening discussing stupid boys (Billy! lol) and talking about wedding plans. morning came too soon and we went to church and then spent the afternoon eating and playing hand and foot before heading back to the l-dot ourselves.
overall gooood weekend.
my only adventure today (monday) was 'diving' at work.... basically = swimming to the bottom of the 5m deep tank and picking up hairballs with your bare hands... one of my favourite aspects of working at the pool... and maybe watching bollywood in world music tonight... good times.

19 January 2008

i love it when you go in to work - not at your home facility - but where you've been contracted out - and the class has been cancelled and therefore you got out of bed for NOTHING! yep - it's my favourite!!

8 January 2008

the tickets are booked.... sooooooo excited!

7 January 2008

i have to change my picture to "A" recent adventure rather then "most" recent adventure as it seems adventure floats out of the strangest things. new years passed in one of my favourite ways: hanging out at a friend's house doing things we normally do - just with hugs at midnight. this years game set included dutch blitz, guesstures, things in a box, and the random thing where we fold the paper and alternate drawing and sentence making. an excellent evening if i do say so.
the next days became an endless parade of work... i lived at that pool an average of 12 hours a day... INSANE!. i spent an hour the thursday night untangling the 50 metre lane ropes after my shift ended... now there is an hour i will never get back.
friday i finished up and was not really in the mood to meet people at ang's, but then amber called with free tickets to the gold medal game of under 17 hockey; ontario vs. usa. now that was a good evening. we pretended that we had a clue and cheered when everyone else did and gasped when the puck went anywhere near the net. we then had a slumber party without the slumber or the party really.
the next morning i awoke to find a party was being thrown in my house that night and as i was getting sick i decided to go home. i stopped first at amber's house and she decided to come home with me and we went to visit jen before she left for bc. we ended up going to niagara falls... good times. apparently you can go up to the lighting house and change the lights shining on the falls... i picked very pretty colours. then we went on a walk before planning the rest of the evening... fworks, mshow, lshow, fsauser... the fworks were awesome... quite a bit of fun and the 12 year old policeman was really nice. mshow was necessary... lshow was the same as it was 6 years ago. still kinda cool - but the same. the fsauser was another new adventure that i didn't know existed... good old lundy's lane.
sunday was spent playing hand and foot and today work and school started again...
quite the interesting weekend